Online & In-Person


Weekdays: Noon - Communal Prayer

Mon & Wed: 8am - Communal Prayer

Fri: 8am - Men’s Prayer

Fri: 8:30am - Women’s Prayer



Mon - Fri: 6pm / 12pm / 6pm

449 14th Street, San Francisco


Tues & Thurs: 8am - Communal Prayer

Prayer Rooms will always have a special place in my heart. I am the product of Prayer Room. I mean to say that because of the prayers led by my brother and by Experience Church, Faith was joined. A call home sent out and God gave me the will to answer.

The power in this cant be slept on. I actively walked the other way and avoided God for 20 years. Did a lot of evil things in the eyes of God and the eyes of man. I was a creature borne of darkness so to speak. In and out of jail, went to prison. Lived an active gang affiliated life. With the kinds of people most try to avoid. Murderers. Drug dealers. Pimps. Not to say that theyre less than human or anything like that. Just to give a perspective of where those prayers pulled me from. I was them.

Now I pray with the same people in the same rooms; prayers of intercession and for salvation that took years of fervent faith on behalf of my actual brother and my newfound faith family.

So having been on both sides of prayers sent up in Prayer Rooms, communally, I expect a move of the love of God. Every. Single. Time. Prayers go up and His blessings come down.
— Prayer Testimonial by Dustin Larguse